Attachment road of submersible bridge was washed away by floodwater, but quickly restored by the local government

Takin Bridge in Magway State, Myanmar, was constructed by JIP in 2019. As the river width is approximately 500m, 178 m submersible bridge was built in the current flow area for the time being, while an embankment structure road was constructed in the remaining riverbed area with 2 box culvert drainage sections.

Vicinity of Takin Bridge

The flooding that occurred in May this year was unusually severe, as it was still early in the rainy season, and it completely overtopped the attached road, which had been built with embankment on the high water bed. The embankment section appears to have suffered considerable damage as a result, but the main body of the submersible bridge was unscathed. The restoration of the embankment section that had been washed away was completed in about a week under the initiative of the local government.

The bridge was particularly requested by the local residents, and the importance of the bridge can be seen from the speed with which it was restored. The fact that the bridge could be easily restored by local forces in the event of a major flood confirms the superiority of the submersible bridge.

Damaged embankment section

Restoration by the local government