国際インフラパートナーズ(英語名:Japan Infrastructure Partners/略称:JIP)は、持続可能な社会の発展を目指し、海外技術協力の経験を持つ有志により2006年に設立されました。
Presentation at the Japan Water Grand Prize Presentation of Award-Winning Activities is now available
JIP’s presentation at the 26th Japan Water Grand Prize (sponsored by Japan Water Prize Committee/Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) held at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) on June 18 is now available for viewing.
Awarded the 26th ‘Japan Water Grand Award’ for International Contribution
Mr Nakao, Chairman of JIP, and two others attended the 26th Japan Water Grand Prize (organised by the Japan Water Grand Prize Committee and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) award ceremony and presentation of award-winning activities at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) on 18 June. In the presence of His Imperial Highness Prince…
A report from Myanmar on the condition of a submersible bridge six years after construction
A report on the Thuriya Bridge, built in 2018 in the Magway region of central Myanmar, was sent through the Yangon-based contractor who constructed the bridge. Local people are working together to clear away driftwood entangled in the bridge after a flood earlier this year. The bridge is essential for the residents’ livelihoods and everyone is taking the initiative to…
JIP organised a seminar on ‘Japan’s Future International Technical Cooperation’
A seminar organised by JIP was held at the Infrastructure Development Instistute on 30 May, with Mr Morikuni Akiguchi as guest speaker. The theme was ‘Japan’s future international technical cooperation’. Mr Akiguchi, who was stationed in Indonesia and Thailand during his days at the Ministry of Construction and who still travels around Asia with a backpack in his 70s, gave…
Japan Water Award for International Contribution has been awarded
At the 26th Japan Water Award, JIP’s project ‘Construction and Technology Transfer of Submersible Bridges in Developing Countries’ has been selected to receive the International Contribution Award. The award ceremony and presentation of the award-winning activities will be held in June at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) in the presence of the Honorary President, His Imperial…
JIP’s Submersible Bridge construction is reported in the Lao national media.
The signing ceremony for the construction of the submersible bridge, which took place at the Japanese Embassy in Laos on 9 February, was reported in a local weekly (Pasaxon) and online news (Vientiane Mai) besides the Lao English-language newspaper (Vientiane Times). Photos of the signing ceremony were also published on the Facebook page of the Embassy of Japan in Laos….
Agreement signed with the Japanese Ambassador to Laos for the construction of a Submersible Bridge in Laos.
JIP is currently preparing to construct a Submersible Bridge in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.Since the completion of the bridge in Myanmar in 2022, JIP has been investigating the possibility of constructing a Submersible Bridge in other countries, and found that the neighbouring country, Lao PDR, also has villages that become isolated during the rainy season, making a Submersible Bridge…
MLIT Lunchtime session 2023 was successfully organised
The opinion exchange meeting between young staff working for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and international students studying civil engineering at Japanese universities was held. This was the first time since 2019, indeed the first time in four years, but heated discussions were taking place without a break at any of the tables. The international students…
Application for MLIT Lunchtime Session 2023 is now open
The very popular exchange meeting between International students of civil engineering at Japanese universities and the technical officials from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) over FREE lunch will be held for the first time in four years! International students wishing to attend need to register using the button below. Registration will close when the maximum number…