The opinion exchange meeting between young staff working for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and international students studying civil engineering at Japanese universities was held. This was the first time since 2019, indeed the first time in four years, but heated discussions were taking place without a break at any of the tables. The international students looked as interested as before, but even more impressive were the young MLIT staffs who actively asked questions in English about the situation overseas.
After discussions in groups of three or four people with similar areas of expertise, a buffet lunch was provided to enable the participants to interact with the other groups. Rahul (left) and Amir (right), former international students who now work for a Japanese construction company, joined the event as staff members.
Rahul and Amir
After lunch, a greeting was given by Vice-Minister for Engineering Affairs Mr. Yoshioka and a commemorative photograph were taken. The event ended in a convivial atmosphere.
Mr. Yoshioka’s speech